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Future of Tesla

My point is how tesla would be in the future as they grow with that google is told as legacy. ChatGPT Your concern about Tesla’s future as it…

Two sides of stress

While I work with a stress that I don’t deal with well, I’ve realized that a motivation arise when I face difficulty. of course, stress have two sides….

Stair Journey Focus

I experienced that it’s harder to climb the stairs while looking at the number of floors. If I go up the step by step looking only at the…

Overcoming work challenge.

It’s been a month since I joined rotork. As you know, this is my first job and I’m trained of skills for an inside sales job. Especially weekend,…

Finding Balance: Guidance vs. Personal Exploration

While driving during the trip, the navigation did not work well, so I went to the destination without looking at the navigation. I didn’t look at the navigation,…

life is just code of loop and if

life is just code of loop and if ChatGPT That’s a great analogy! Life can indeed be likened to loops and conditional statements in code. Using programming concepts…

Simulation theory

Multi-billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk seems to think so. He puts the chance we’re not as one on billions. Why so? Well, in the past five decades, computers…

String theory related to mind-only school in buddhism.

Me: so…the string theory include and deal with quantum mechanics…I can tell that string theory related to mind-only school.ChatGPT Char GPT: String Theory does indeed encompass quantum mechanics…

Simulation theory and Super string theory

Me: I’m just wondering….it seems to be similar or connection to between Simulation theory and Super string theory….ChatGPT Chat GPT: That’s an interesting observation! While Simulation Theory and…

Programming and Buddhism

Me: I think a way of thinking in buddhism is similar to way of thinking in programming. Chat GPT: That’s a fascinating observation! Both Buddhism and programming involve…